Baylor's Christian College Students Spend Most of College Looking at Cell Phones


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A new study out of Baylor University finds that college students spend an "astounding" amount of time on their cell phones and has researchers warning of cell phone "addiction" (not in a jokey way).

Of course, the figures are "astounding" to the middle-aged researcher who performed the study, not to college kids themselves. College kids themselves reply to these figures simply by saying, " ." (Can't talk right now, they are looking at their cell phones.)

Among the study's findings:

- "Women college students spend an average of 10 hours a day on their cellphones and men college students spend nearly eight"

- "60 percent of college students admit they may be addicted to their cell phone"

- The cell phone activities that take up the most daily time are, in order, texting, emails, and checking Facebook.

Of course this survey was done using students at Baylor University, a Christian college in Texas.

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It's crazy that Baylor's Christian college students spend 6-10 hours on a cell phone, and e-mail is still the number 2 activity.

I wonder if Baylor College being a Christian Religous College is one of the reasons that students spend so much time on cell phones because more dedicated Christians who strictly follow the bible, and Church don't seem to party as much as non-religous people who are more likely to do activities like playing very violent and sexy video games, go to a casino,  or go to frat parties where people have fun doing adult activities.
When I used a cell phone in the past, I just mainly used it to make calls, and play retro games like Tetris on it. I'm surprise that Mobile gaming isn't on the list of top activities for Baylor students.

I am usually on a desktop PC which tends to take up most of my times because of computer games, online video, forums, blogs, instant messaging, video chat, Twitter, and Facebook which to take up more time.
I know many people who glance at their phone or actually leave class to do something with it. It's sad they pay all that money for class and waste time on their phones.
I agree it is sad that people waste their time, money, and energy in class to use their phone when they should be at least listening to lectures, and doing homework.

I still don't really get why and how so many people are so addicted to their phones because the experience of using a phone is not really great compared to a desktop or laptop computer where you can have a lot of different programs open doing different tasks like instant messaging, watching video, listening to music, hacking, programming, web browsing, and playing more attractive games like Half-Life, World of Warcraft,  Portal, and Farcry.