Beaglebone Tiny computer Video


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Wow, this small computer has a 1 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, HDMI, S-video wired internet, 4 USB ports, MicroSD card, Serial port, and so many options. It is also low costs. This computer is faster then my first computer from the late 90s.

Looks like a good computer to install inside your portable TV, LCD monitor, phone, alarm clock, DVR, and other places were space is limited, but you want a computer for it to do something.

I bet it also is possible to run this computer with a few AA batteries.

Wonder how long it would take to make penny or quarter coin sized computers.
Not long at this rate, not long at all.
I heard there are pill sized computer with a Camera which are used for hospital patients to swallow, so the doctor can see inside their throat, stomach, intestines, and other digestive organs use for digestions, but they are kind of slow and costly. But, they do the job for looking and examining patients digestive organs.