QUOTE Tip for the day... Anyone who uses Facebook or Twitter include the hash tag #beatcancer in your posts to raise money for cancer related charities. Each Tweet or Facebook post raises $.01, the goal being that the more it is spread through people's networks, the more people re-tweet and re-post, the potential for money raised rises exponentially. Cool way to raise money for a good cause, and interesting social media experiment to see how effective the big 2 social media sites can be in both spreading a message and generating fund-raising dollars.
I wish this Twitter program goes viral since the cause is worth supporting. It's free to donate, and you be helping a good cause.
I'm not sure if this belongs in Internet chat or non-gaming since Twitter and Facebook are internet sites, but cancer research is sceintific discovery and charity.
This is the first I've heard of this. It sounds good, but I'd want to be sure of it before I spread it around to everyone else. I always check things out before asking other people to do them though.
Apparently the major part of the campaign (where they were donating money) ended yesterday at 9am and the two sites they said were participating in this (eBay and some other one) had absolutely no mention of it on their home sites. So, while it sounds like a good idea, it is a little sketchy. Also, they said they would only donate up to a certain amount, but there's no mention as to what that amount was.
IMO, if a company wants to donate a "certain amount" of money, they should just donate it instead of doing things like this. Since they had a cap on the amount and a time limit, they should have just given the money and spend the time and resources for recording the posts to something more productive.