Before you post in this section

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Hello! If you're reading this that means you wish to share your video game here at Gaming Latest. As head admin and owner of this decade old site I would be very pleased and honored for you to share your up and coming game idea! Before you can post I only ask a few things in return:

10 posts around the Gaming Latest forum. And these posts must be longer than a few words.

Make sure all your links and info on your game follow the forum rules.

And if you could, not required, but post our site link somewhere on your project as a site supporter. If you like contact @Demon_Skeith to discuss some more options about this as I am willing to even create your own board section to allow more discussion on your game.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing more about your game.

If you are intending to advertise your YouTube channel, then you are looking at the wrong set of rules!

The correct forum to advertise your YouTube channel is here: Channel Showcase

And the rules relevant to the above forum are right around here: MUST READ - Channel Advertising Rules
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