Being single or family oriented?


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The choice is always there. There are people that believe that raising a family is a total waste of time and they can never do it. Others feel that family are the bedrock of a sane society.

Are you for or against rasing a family?
If my parents were anti family, would I have been born?

A lot of people are crazy these days.
I'm for it, but there needs to be a good dynamic, rather than it being forced because you want someone else to do the work you want or having kids because you can.
I'm child-free by choice but it's my own personal decision. People have to do what is best for their own selves & lives. I've seen people have kids when they really should not have. The kids are ignored. The parents gave in to pressure, not thinking about what is best.
I'm child-free by choice but it's my own personal decision. People have to do what is best for their own selves & lives. I've seen people have kids when they really should not have. The kids are ignored. The parents gave in to pressure, not thinking about what is best.

It's better not to have kids you won't take very good care of. People need to know that.
I'm child-free by choice but it's my own personal decision. People have to do what is best for their own selves & lives. I've seen people have kids when they really should not have. The kids are ignored. The parents gave in to pressure, not thinking about what is best.

Couples having kids when they shouldn't can be said to be the main cause for many issues we have in the world now.
It's kind of sad people don't want to have kids, years of family struggles and maintaining family lines just to suddenly end.
But if it goes downhill because of it we'll never have to see the rest of humanity mutually assured. I have seen a video on how maybe lost genetics will reoccur in other people, no matter how rare.