Best Buy looking to go full gaming


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Retail giant Best Buy revealed yesterday that it's looking to establish dedicated sales counters and staff just to manage the video games it sells.

Think of it as a GameStop within a department store, then.

Called a "gaming transformation" and part of a "drive toward number one industry position", it will mean that Best Buy employs what it hopes will be "dedicated, informed, and engaged employees focused only on gaming."

As a former games retail employee myself, I can only of luck with that.

The new desks and staff should be in place by the end of the year.


haha, fail.
No way in hell would they lose money, and video games always have a set price, no matter which store. Tax is the only difference.
Can't they also earn a lot of money from parents that goes to Best Buy, while not going to video game stores, to buy games for their children?

Eg. A child goes with their parent to Besy Buy and begs the parent to buy a game at Best Buy ( the parent doesn't shop at video game stores, but this was a random attempt )
I think this sounds cool if it is well designed, and have a bunch of PS3, Xbox 360, and Wiis for people to try out the game before they buy them since Bestbuy usually have the space for demo stations for people to try out games before they buy. Bestbuy might also earn money from accessories like HDMI cables, Surround sound, and HDTV when people buy their consoles and games.
Okay fine. Let our schools, police departments, fire departments, and hospitals crumble. Just let the government keep printing money, causing inflation, and putting us in The Great Depression II. >_>
If we were in a second depression... Did you learn about it in school? Because if you have, you would know were not even freaking close to another one.