Best Buy Sued Over Price Matching


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With its competition like Circuit City going extinct faster than the dinosaurs, you would think that Best Buy would be able to grab the retail electronics world by the stones and hold it there as long as they kept their nose clean. Unfortunately, a newly granted lawsuit by the US District Court alleges that Best Buy has some potentially shady business practices going on behind closed doors.

The US District Court, Southern District approved a motion last Thursday that will allow Platintiff Thomas Jermyn and similarly affected NY State residents to sue Best Buy, claiming that the company is in extreme violation of its own "Price Match" policy.

In the ruling, the plaintiff claims, "Best Buy uses false and deceptive trade practices in advertising and applying the company's well-known 'price match guarantee' policy. Best Buy tells the consuming public it will match a competitor's lower price on any item purchased in the store." The plaintiff also alleges that Best Buy uses its "price match guarantee policy as a ploy, to lure unsuspecting consumers into its stores and to induce them to purchase its merchandise, while allegedly having an undisclosed 'Anti-Price Matching Policy,' pursuant to which employees aggressively deny customers' legitimate price match requests."

Evidence listed amongst the ruling is based on internal Best Buy documents as well as the depositions from both current and former Best Buy employees. Some of the bigger revelations mentioned include:

• Best Buy had an undisclosed Anti-Price Matching Policy.
• Best Buy employees taught in the New York training facilities were shown how to deny price match requests.
• Best Buy denied more than 100 price match requests per store per week.
• Best Buy awarded financial bonuses based, in part, on denying proper price match requests.

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I just go to the store with the lower price then pricematch something, or wait for a sale.

I wonder if this happen in Canadian BB stores.
QUOTE (hcfwesker @ April 06, 2009 12:58 am) Well, if they got caught doing it, could be some big trouble, especially for that store location. A big business doens't promise something to customers, and backs down from it.

I've never gone through with price matching either, find the store advertised, or looks the cheapest, and buy it ... no questions asked.

I agree the managers who are running the stores should be punish some how for not keeping their promises.