Best GamePad Brands?


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I use gamepads quite frequently with Steam games, and I'm also always trying to find the best gamepads there are out there.

I currently use a PS3 Afterglow USB controller, and it's by far the best controller I've used with my PC. Plug in, it quickly installs the driver, and the game has a nifty controller to play from.

What's the best gamepad you've ran across?
Honestly, the best way to go is to just get a console controller. I'm not sure on how the Xbox One's fares, and it all boils down to preference too, but the Xbox 360 and Playstation 4 controllers are the best right now in my experience.
Yeah, that seems to be the best ones out there. I was hoping maybe someone came along a pretty good off-brand controller.
Did you like any classic controllers like the SNES? there is tons of modded ones out there you can get from old systems.
My xbox 360 controller has finally died on me. I have had it since the original 360 launch. R I P. As I look forward to a new controller, I don't think I have seen any pc specific gaming pad made by anyone lately that is really worth it. I honestly think I might just get a ps4 controller and use that as my new game pad or hit ebay to find an old 360 controller. I like the feel of it way too much. I didn't use my controller a lot but I do feel naked not having one, there are a lot of roms going unplayed because of this. 
My boyfriend and I actually have all the retro controllers as USB controllers, so we're good there. :) We just needed general controllers for Steam games and such. We will probably end up getting actual PS and Xbox controllers for our new gamepads and maybe experiment on other brands later. 
The only other controller besides a 360 or ps4 controller that I could recommend that looks really interesting is Steam's new controller. I would need to try one out but I like the fact that the little pad thing is like a mouse tracker. If it plays as smoothly as I have seen on the alienware stream it could be a great controller for the PC.
I have a 360 wired controller that's still kicking after all these years, just some slight wear on the analog sticks. So yeah, I recommend one of those.