I am looking for a multiplayer shooter/action similar to Black Ops for ps3. I realy like black ops but i don't want play anymore because of delay. When im killed i can see myself from opponent view/camera. almost every time they see me like 1-2 sec before i can see him.
Anyway what is best game multi for ps3 similar to black ops ?
Really for a ps3 user there is really no games that are exactly like CoD but some other great choices for you to try out are:
Killzone 2,3: PS3 exclusive Good FPS gameplay with great graphics and pretty smooth pacing, PS3 fans usaully like this, but i never played them, never could get into them.
Resistance 1-3: Another FPS made for the PS3 only with alright gameplay, though if u had to choice between Killzone and Resistance, Killzone will treat you better. Though in recent account this game is pretty much the same in multiplayer wise as the first one. Though again its up to you to try it.
Uncharted 1-3: A Great third person game for PS3 only, plus playing the beta for Uncharted 3, i had an great time playing it and it has split screen online if you have a friend over. Something i would highly reccomend trying with the imminent release of the third game this November.
Battlefield Bad Company 1-2: The big title to fight Cod right now, A good Series with some great online, its slower then CoD but with big maps, vehicles, 32 man servers, It can be pretty crazy if the maps are full.
M.A.G.: These online only PS3 exclusive can be really fun plus its 256 people online to make it the biggest online shooter to date on console. Lots of unlockables but its very clunkly and controls are different, so it might not be your cup of tea.
Battlefield 3 and MW3: Coming out in the next months, these games will be the biggest competition for the FPS market for console and pc players, Both proven to be a day one buy for most. If you like MW2 you will easily love MW3 and if you played the old Battlefield 2 and 1 games and even the bad company series, then this game if easily for you, I played the alpha on pc and it was crazy fun plus, Dice said that there would be 100's of hours to unlock everything in muliplayer, so these game will keep you playing for awhile.