Best smartphone to get?


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When it comes down to xG network speed, service, good mobile device, ect. Which do you feel is the best for a person to own?
I pick the iPhone 5 mainly because it has games and apps which are not available for Google Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, etc.
It would depend on which would be most important to you.

I went with the SGS2 because it was powerful, and I wanted to have full control over my device. I believed that, if I am spending my money for a device then, I should be able to do whatever I wish with it.

Coming off of a jailbroken iPhone, I knew that an iPhone would never have the power, performance or customization I wanted and would never be anything more than over-hyped mediocre device intended for those who value aesthetic over performance, and so I wasn't interested in getting another one.

The anti-competitive behavior and "litigate instead of innovate" attitude of their parent company is what has personally turned me off of them for good, even if I like their devices.

As for apps and games, Since February, I have found about 85% of the games and apps I had on iOS, for Android, and I think that the development issue Froggy mentioned is already changing, and for the better. When I first got my phone, it was more like 60%. The remainder, however, are in development and I know this because I have spoken with the developers myself.

Also, there is the fact that popular developers such as Noodlecake Studios, the makers of Super Stickman Golf, who are currently working with small developers to port their iOS titles over to Android. This past Summer, they launched their Game A Week Project, to help iOS developers who wanted to port their games over to Android, but didn't have the skill or the resources needed.

It was a success, and not only are each of these ported games popular, but they are working on many more. And some of the ported games are paid, and so, not only does the original [iOS] developer see that there is demand for their games, but they also see that Android users are willing to pay for an app or game, if they think it is worth it. This was an unprecedented move on their part, and so, I am sure that other development studios will look to do the same as Noodlecake has done to help smaller developers, or, this just might be the motivation smaller developers needed to start porting their apps over to Android.

Android leads in marketshare worldwide, and with the introduction of gift cards and in-app purchases, as well as a solid refund policy, where you have 15 minutes to test a paid app from the Play store before you can refund it, (as opposed to zero-refunds, unless you threaten to sue Apple,) therefore aiding in consumer confidence, developers who develop for both o/s's stand to earn a lot more than iOS alone.

As of August, iOS and Android have 85% of the marketshare, and that is expected to increase to 98% by the end of the year.

A person would be an idiot to refuse to develop for the platform that has the largest consumer base. So it really isn't a matter of if a certain game or app will be developed for Android, it is a matter of when. Fragmentation is now an issue on both platforms, well actually, its an issue on ANY platform really, so I doubt that that can be used as an argument against Android like it has been in the past.

Anyway, you should check out this video. This guy is an Apple user, who has decided to test common arguments used by Apple users against the Android platform and you might find it to be informative.
