Best Upcoming 2011


Well-Known Member
So, what do you think are the Best upcoming games for 2011 in general? I've gotta say Duke Dukem Forever, and Call of Duty - Madern Warfare 3.
[media][/media] HAIL TO THE KING!!
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The one im looking forward to the most is Metal Gear Solid: Rising! i need that game in my life, also Marvel vs Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat and of course the new Call of Duty are also ones im anticipating, none from nintendo, sadly enuff...
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Personally, as one of those people who aren't one of those people who seem to think that "graphics are everything" or that having "more RAM" means everything, etc, I'm simply looking forward to Mario Kart 3DS, Paper Mario 3DS (not so much, but still), OOT 3D (even though essentially I know generally what it's like), etc.

Modern Warfare 3
Dynasty Warriors 7
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
Donkey Kong 64 3DS (I heard it was being made, but might be false, also isnt going to be released in 2011)
Super Smash Bros Brawl 3: Evolution and War (another rumor)
Battlefield Bad Company 3
Samurai Warriors 3 Z
Mario Kart 3DS and Paper Mario 3DS, as well as Zelda Skyward Sword. I'd be slightly cautious of Duke Nukem Forever though, it's going to be hard to live up to the insane hype the game has gotten for being vaporware for all those years.
There's a Mario Party 3DS?
That's what I was thinking... OMG OMG OMG.

Anyways, MK3DS, Kirby's Epic Yarn (for Australia), Mario Sports Mix (Australia again, not sure if it's released somewhere else), and then... I'll wait and see what else the year has in store for me.
I'm personally looking forward to the next 3D or 2D Mario platformer. They haven't been announced, but you know that one of them is coming.