Bestbuy deals 2/15/13


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You're Rich Money Bags Award
Profile Music wants you to start your weekend with some much needed self-indulgence, because, like a supermodel slathered in megaprettyoxide-infused war paint, you're worth it. So why not treat your beauticious self to Paper Mario: Sticker Star, going at $19.99, or Kid Icarus: Uprising for $14.99?

Of course, you might feel you're worth that and quite a bit more. If so, you could always plump for Epic Mickey 2 on Wii at $11.99, or Darksiders 2 on PS3 or Xbox 360 at $14.99.

Update: As you eagle-eyed commenters spotted, Professor Layton and Miracle Mask, which was sold out at the time of writing, is available once more at $14.99. Also going at $14.99 is Pokémon Black/White 2.


Good deals.
I am getting Paper Mario and Kid Icarus tomorrow. Need to finish my Protoype plat.
I went to Best Buy today, managed to get a Kid Icarus with a few copies left. Unfortuantely Paper Mario was out of stock, but I searched it on Google for the same price and amazon is putting it on sale for the same price. :D
You almost have the Plat already?

Kind of, most of the trophies are cumulative so after playing it longer and advancing I'll have them. I'm making sure I finish by the second playthrough though. I want to get it finished cause I got Paper Mario coming in tomorrow, I got Kid Icarus Yesterday, Metal Gear is being shipped tomorrow, and much more!
Kind of, most of the trophies are cumulative so after playing it longer and advancing I'll have them. I'm making sure I finish by the second playthrough though. I want to get it finished cause I got Paper Mario coming in tomorrow, I got Kid Icarus Yesterday, Metal Gear is being shipped tomorrow, and much more!
Hard is very hard, just saiyan. lol