Beta Test and Free Game Contest.


I'm holding a 3-part contest. There are 3 events, and a total of 9 winners. 3 Winners per event, winners receive prizes according to place.

1st place: Beta test, free game, in-game large prize
2nd place: Beta test, free game, in-game small prize
3rd place: Beta test, free game

(all prizes include alpha, and other tests)

There will be 3 different events, as I said. Each containing 3 winners. For a total of 9 winners!

Contests will not be held in set dates, however, the first contest starts now.

Contest 1:

PM me stating why you think you deserve to test, and how testing will benefit me, and/or you. The more depth, the higher the chance. So don't be afraid to go all out.

P.S. I love humor


Due date: When I feel like it. Good luck!
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I will do it! But don't expect it within the next few days, heh.
Ill do it too, could I have a list of everything you're planing to do with the game so far?
I'd like to participate, but this is going to need to be WinXP compatible first.