Betting on video game announcements?


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Does anyone online actually do that? As in, put real money on what's going to be shown at E3?

Because given the types of things people do bet on in the UK... I'm surprised it isn't more common.

I mean, look at some of the insane stuff people put money on over here:

It is just nuts. People betting that Nessie will be found before 2020? Yep. Bets on the next James Bond or Doctor Who leader actor? Yep. Bets on Britain's Got Talent, Big Brother or The Apprentice? Yeah. Even for the unlikely candidates possible...

So how come there isn't more of it in the video game world? Is there anyone actually putting a few hundred on some game being announced at E3? How about a bet that so and so wins the Smash Bros character ballot? I'd put money on Iwata's firing at one point...

I'd put money on Iwata's firing at one point...
LMFAO! Agreed. On top of that if we are lucky someone will overthrow Miyamoto and Nintendo will be top-tier again rather than slowly declining in the gaming industry (or perhaps rapidly declining) and turning into a medical practitioner company.

As for the gambling thing, nah. I don't gamble as a rule. I like to do friendly wagers though for what will be free on PS+ and XBL before they are announced - especially with Sony running out of things to give.
I don't gamble myself (although I do wonder about the American hesitation to get involved it personally). But given everything else that's betted on, I'm just curious why video games are rarely one of those things.
I have never done this before. In fact, this is the first time I've heard of this being something people do. I guess I should not be entirely surprised to see it exists. People bet on everything nowadays. I don't like to chance money on bets.