BEWARE Of Micro SD Cards When Bought Online...


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It is unfortunate that online stores like Amazon can't remove misleading and scam product listings.
So... should we only stick with brick and mortar stores like Best Buy?

I think the video says that the misleading MicroSD listings are from Amazon Marketplace which allow 3rd-party sellers and people to sell products like MicroSD card.

I think reading seller reviews, and shopping at sellers with many good reviews can help at avoiding being scammed.
I forget sometimes to look at who the seller is for products when I purchase them through Amazon so this is actually a really great reminder.
I was lucky enough to have a pretty big Micro SD amount of storage. Not sure if the description on the microSD was accurate but the storage although not exactly accurate when formatting, still works properly. I got one at a retail store prior that works and the one I got from Amazon was Samsung.
This has been happening for years, you just need to be extra vigilant when buying them.