Big Business

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In the technological era that we, as a society, live in the need for information along with individuals that can convey said information for the advancement of selected civilizations are required. Having an understanding of the technology that will be projected in the future will allow for a person to progress in their mentality of which they know that they made a difference. That which we want in life is not easily obtainable and because the requirement of work is necessary to obtain individual goals most opt for the easy way. Why is this? Why do some people in life decide to take the easy way out and let others do the work for them?

For the sake of this argument I will base my assumptions within America because too many factors would riddle this thought if I were to include the world. With that being said, most individuals in the states have the mental capacity to become great among their peers and obtain notoriety around the globe. Most, if not all, Fortune 500 executives along with certain individuals and groups of people whom revolutionized the way we live and how we live by working hard and preserving through the trials that lay before them. If they can become great than so can others so long as a person works hard and put in the effort required, after all you’re both human.

You may argue that some individuals have an advantage in life over others based on their family status and subsequent realization bounds but I would have to disagree. For an example let's take two people that do not have anything in common except for the goal to be great. Person (A) was born into a wealthy family and attended the best schools money could buy and also had fame and expectations even before he begun to work towards his goal. After putting in as little work and effort as possible to advance in life and with the help of his family’s name he became a CEO of a telecommunications company and to him that is happiness.

On the other side of the life spectrum we have person (B) who was born into a poor family of which not one person has gone to college. Person (B) wants to make a name for himself so he begins to work at a small restaurant and odd jobs around his town in order to save money for college and to purchase informational books. As time passes person (B)'s knowledge of the world and the technological era increases and he is able to successfully gain admission into a small community college. By continuing to work hard person (B) is eventually hired to become an employee at a telecommunications company living a life he never thought possible and to him that is happiness.

In my life I have not met one person to this day who was happy working for minimum wage because they all aspire to do and be something greater than themselves. Everyone should work as hard as they can and put in as much effort as they can in order to become something above what they thought possible. What goes through a person’s mind when they decide to just 'give up' and play the hand that their dealt? It annoys me when I see someone with so much potential and passion for something and yet they waste their life serving food to ungrateful patrons. Why?

Every brain is unique from the next that is one aspect of our bodies that distinguish us you from the rest of the world but is it not possible that one electrical synapse coincides with others. There must be some thought process that random individuals share that makes them submit to animosity but what is it? Is it not possible that there must be some reason as to why people are lazy and do not care about the reality surrounding them? Why do people not care about the future of their lives? Where is the connection between individuals that determines whether or not the challenges that face them are too hard?
weather if your rich or not just decides how great your stepping stone towards life will be. you will only achieve greatness or seek your future if you have the will to go for it or just sit back and think it will come to you.

If you want a good future then you need to work hard for it and not turn out rotten. as for people not caring, hey it's America were the land of the free is full of corruption and street gangs are at everyone corner. your best bet is to move somewhere nicer (out of the USA) where it would motivate you better.
My dad grew up poor. He had 2 other brothers and lived in a town in Pennslyvania, not the nicest nor the worst part of town.

when he was 15 he became a Caddy and had to walk miles to get to the country club where he worked hard.

He went to a small univeristy and graduated (also married my mom) and went into bussiness. He worked hard and stayed lots of extra hours. He eventually ranked up and the bussiness shut down.

He found a new job and has been working hard for now 13 years for that company and almost 40 years in total. He has worked hard for everything, he wasn't the smartet student, but he worked. Now he makes 600,000- 1.2 Mil. a year.

He worked hard and didn't start out well. He earned everything.