Big Vending Machine replaces Local Small Store in British Town


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A British inventor has come up with a giant vending machine to help rural communities that have lost their local stores.
Called the "Speedy shop", the automated store was recently installed in the car park of Clifton village, in the English county of Derbyshire. This town lost its last local store 14 years ago. The machine sells over 80 food and household products including eggs, milk, shampoo, washing powder and of course tea. It was designed by a local electrical engineer who spent three years on its design. And it has proven hugely popular.

This also looks pretty useful for college students who live in College housing/dorms.
it's all useful till your dollar bill gets stuck and the machine won't give you your item :P
Maybe there is a worker close by which has a key to the vending machine to open it to get you your stuck item. It would be inconvenient to phone up the vending machine company to tell someone to come over to open the vending machine door to get your bag of chips.
Sounds cool lol. Cut backs and price increases causes lots of local shops to close so this is a smart idea for areas without shops. My closest shop in nearly a mile away.
It stinks that cut backs, and price increases cause a lot of stores to close down. Maybe the government should let people open a store in their house, garage, or on a small truck or cart on the street, and taxes, and licenses for opening stores are not as expensive.

I heard vending machines which sell non-food items like shirts are kind of popular in Japan. 

I think more people will spend money if there were more vending machines because some people hate lining up to buy 1 item like socks, and people who are shy may feel more comfortable paying for stuff by putting money in a machine than paying a human, and waiting in line with other people.