Bill Gates' chickens


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The Gates Foundation announced in June this year that it was partnering with charity organisation Heifer International for a project dubbed “ Coop Dreams ”, which aims to distribute 100,000 chickens among countries with high poverty levels, mainly throughout sub-Saharan Africa, but also Bolivia.

Bolivia took offense to this and rejected the help. Bolivia says it already produces 197 million chickens per year, and has the capacity to export 36 million chickens. More generally, a recent report from the International Monetary Fund predicted that Bolivia’s GDP will grow by 3.8% in 2016.
I'm sure there some people in Bolivia will want free Chickens for producing eggs. I don't get why Bolivia will be offended by help.
Why chickens?
Bolivia is indeed a poor country. A coworkers father in law lives in Bolivia. He comes to the US to paint houses with his son who lives hear. Her father in law can work for appx. 4 months and be able to take care of himself and his wife for the rest of the year in Bolivia. However, where the chickens are concerned, sound like someone in the Gates foundation didn't do their homework.
Seems like a nice thing to offer countries chickens... Don't know why Bolivia would take offense though.