Bird flu is killing millions of chickens and turkeys across the US


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An outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in chicken and turkey flocks has spread across 24 U.S. states since it was first detected in Indiana on Feb. 8, 2022. Better known as bird flu, avian influenza is a family of highly contagious viruses that are not harmful to wild birds that transmit it, but are deadly to domesticated birds. As of early April, the outbreak had caused the forced killing of some 23 million birds from Maine to Wyoming. This has lead to a skyrocket cost of eggs and turkey and to some stores not getting proper stock of meats and eggs.

Thoughts on this? Have you seen issues in your local area?
I feel the bird flu will cause the price of chicken and other food to be more expensive because there would be less chicken meat to sell.
Any other illness will take a backseat as long as COVID is around so I've barely heard about this.
I heard some news on bird flu, but not much news on bird flu being deadly.

Hopefully, people don't accidentally eat a lot of birds which are infected with bird flu.
They do a good job at least of keeping affected birds from hitting the market themsleves.

That is good to hear that they do a good job at removing infected birds from reaching the market.

I hope chicken and other bird robbers don't steals infected birds, and set them free or steal them to eat because they can't afford chicken.
I'm glad they caught the problem right away but it still isn't good for the market at hand raising prices more than they should be.