Black Ops 2 Zombies Skills


Okay... I've just got X-box live, and I have been watching people online on zombies (as in watching them take on mobs of zombies while I stand there doing nothing), and I learned many skills. I will now share them with you. But first, I get the feeling that BO2 (heh body odor 2) zombies is somewhat easier than BO1 zombies. Well, maybe it's just that I'm always paired up with masters and I survive to round 53, but it seems easier to me.
1. NEVER, EVER crawl into lava or fire when you're down to be funny.
2. Always tbag a downed enemy on grief mode.
3. Okay, it is time to get serious: find an open area where zombies tend to spawn out of the ground, and make big circles around the zombies in the area (shoot them too, you'd be surprised that some people can only take direct orders, like "Stop at the stop sign... keep your eyes open too.") Then, the zombies will likely get into a big mob, so it's easy to kill them. This helps on the low rounds when zombies are slower.
4. Online, don't play hero. If your ally is down don't charge through a mess of zombies just to save him/her! Focus on saving yourself, and if your ally dies, he/she will respawn the next round if at least one of you survives.
5. Get Juggernog. That's all I can say. It doubles your health.
6. Bad weapons:
Shotguns: do not penetrate multiple zombies.
RPG: Heavy, slow reloading (though there is a way for faster reloading), but fun to use.
Ballistic Knife: Not high damage on high rounds; inaccurate.
Snipers: other people say otherwise, but most are heavy, and not good with a lot of zombies, unless the zombies tend to chase your allies.
7. Mystery box locations (teddy bear means it teleports):
Bus Stop:
Survival mode: just right by the doors leading outside.
Tranzit: I think every location has one (or two, in the town, idk)
Survival/Grief: By the fence across the street from the Olympia, and in the building where zombies jump out of.
Survival/Grief: In the house, on the balcony.
That's most of what I learned. There you go.
If I have any more info, I'll post it here.

How to get to the wheat field cabin (resembles first ever zombies map) on Tranzit: On the path from the farm (the farm is the stop after the town with the diner), just open the doors and look forward outside. Look closely, and you might see a gap in the wheat field. Sprint. most of the time, denizens will jump on your head, and zombies will spawn around you, but ignore the zombies and keep moving. The wheat field I think is a maze, but it's not too hard. When you find the cabin, there is a part for a jet gun there, but you can look up where the workbench is and where the other parts are. I heard there is a bowie knife in the cabin, but I didn't see it. When you leave the cabin, I sugest going in pairs or all four of you (I'm usually talking about 4 people). When you get out of the wheat field, head left for the farm, to stock up on ammo. I would do that because at the power plant, the bus is usually blocking the entrance, so you can't get the AK47u. If the bus is still blocking the path, hold out or run to the town. That is how you survive THE CABIN IN THE WHEAT FIELD
i dont play it publicly online hackers will mod your console and you will lose your account . "sigh"
To be honest your tips aren't really good, but I can help ^_^
If you play Tranzit a must have is the Turbine, you can access doors easily and use it to turn on perk machines without turning the power on. You don't really need it,but the Zombie Shield is a must have! Why? Because zombies can't slap you from behind and if you're in a pickle go prone, zombies can't hurt yoou when you're proned down until your Zombie Shield breaks. Bowie Knife is ok, but the Galvan Knuckles are better! You get them in the Diner, but you need the part of a bus so keep the turbine until you find it and then switch to the zombie shield. You get the zombie shield at the Diner if you didn't know and you have to build it, only two parts necessary which is a green car door, sometimes black/grey if its on the floor and a Dolly. You need the roof top of the bus, if you go to the second window not near speed cola, but the other window there is a corner where you can build it and actually go on the roof of the diner! Perks you must have is juggernaug, speed cola and stamina, if you get ditched by the bus or bunch of zombies go to the next area without getting those critters on your head. The best weapon to use in the beginning of the round is the B23R, and the AK74u, The Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 (Air Cannon) is extremely overpowered and good if you can build it, parts located at: between the Bus station and Diner, there is a cannon between two cars or near a weapon, wires located at the third stop where you rurn on the power, the headlight at a cabin between where you turn on the power and town, the handle at Nacht der Untoten, go to the corn field (reason why you need speed cola and stamina) you go between the power house and farm at a lamp post, then take a first left turn on the path of the corn field, continue the path then right until you see Nacht der Untoten. This other tip is very useful, at Bus Stop 4 at the town there is a safe after opening the door, to open it throw a frag or semtex near the door and it opens. Once you're in you'll find two keys on the left, left key is to withdraw and the right one is to deposit. This is interesting, you can deposit 1,000 points into that safe and when you play Tranzit again you can withdraw it any time you'd like or deposit more, but you pay a fee everytime you withdraw so its 900 you get back, I recommend depositing 4,000 to get Jugg and if you can deposit more to get Stamina as a bonus.You can also access the pack-a-punch machine there too, to use it you need to place the turbine at a sealed door at the power house, when you open the door and fall in there is a door with a lightning symbol, place the turbine and it opens the identical door at the Town, by the way there are two safes at Town next to the keys. Guns I recommend is AK74u, MP5, B23R, Hope it helps!