Black Rock Shooter Review


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Well I finished another anime and this one I'm going to file under, wft did I just watch?

To start off, this is one of those they don't tell you anything in the start animes. You won't learn or figure out stuff much before the end which this being a 8 episode anime won't take long. But still, it be nice if they explained some stuff at the start.

To give you a idea what this anime is about, I think it's about colors or what people endure (sadness, pain, grief, sorrow, ect.) and then this is fought out in epic cool battles in another world which is all color coded. This anime had a good thing going but I think it was taken in the wrong direction.

Only reason I would say to watch this, is for the battles which are pretty epic and get crazy. Otherwise you might want to pass on this one, but with 8 episodes it won't hurt to give it a try.

Overall animation and artwork is alright, not the best but the fights are well done which is all that matters. No outstanding OST to mention and there is no characters that one would get attached to.

So in short, this isn't a anime to waste money on.


The television series uses the same characters from the OVA in a similar but slightly different storyline. As Mato enters middle school and becomes friends with Yomi, she soon faces personal troubles and the influence caused by another world where Black Rock Shooter fights other girls.
