BlackBerry mobile Browser Speeds Are The Fastest [Study]


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Apparently BlackBerry’s browser would be the browser to beat. This is according to a new study conducted by New Relic which has found that BlackBerry is leading the way when it comes to page load times.
According to the study, it has been found that BlackBerry’s page load times clock in at an average of 1.55 seconds.
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It's good to know that Blackberry web browser has fast loading times. I bet the main reason for Blackberry web browser being faster because its operating system, and the web browser run smoother than Android, and iOS which sometimes have slow down problems. Plus, Blackberry devices like the Blackberry Z10 has a Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz CPU, and 2GB of RAM which would make loading mobile websites very quickly because of its faster parts.
I think Blackberry may port BB browser over to other operating systems to promote the Blackberry brand, so more young and less tech savvy users know about the Blackberry brand.
I honestly think that Blackberry should make Android handsets in addition to the ones they are making now.. many of their users want to see Android on their handsets and tablets.

At the very least, they could fork Android like Nokia did and come out with their own Android O/S with BBOS apps inside instead of Google branded apps. It would be a win-win for them.

They would attract Android users who want something different while keeping the customers who like their devices..

And with support for both BB and Android Apps, they would have a much larger selection apps, and they would easily come in 3rd because of it..