BlackBerry Won’t Make A Windows Phone Device


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Narendra Nayak, managing director for BlackBerry India, said that while the company’s enterprise software runs across Windows, iOS, BlackBerry and Android, on the device side it’s only going to offer BlackBerry OS and Android. iOS is obviously off the table since Apple doesn’t license its operating system to other manufacturers. “At this point we do not have any plans for a Windows Phone,” he reiterated.

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I think this is a good idea from Blackberry to not make any Windows Phone devices. The future of the Windows Phone operating system does not look very good. I'm not sure if Windows Phone will still be around in a few years. Many Windows Phone users are now switching to phones with more apps like Google Android, Apple iOS, and Blackberry 10 phones like the Passport which can run Android apps, and games from the Amazon App store, or Google Play after the user installed the Google Play app, and Google Services app, so the Play store would work on BB10.
Yeah the windows phone is struggling, its a sinking ship.
Yeah the windows phone is struggling, its a sinking ship.
I haven't heard about WinP in a while haha xD

But yeah, I see BlackBerry moving to Android and obviously not iOS (for known reasons). I don't really expect them to continue making BlackBerry 10 devices even though they're not going to drop support for it anytime soon.
I don't like this at all. We should NOT be heading towards a future of the battle of two giants. I was expecting a future of diversity as far as operating systems are concerned.
Well, if you look at it that way, people who use everyday computers mostly use just Windows or iOS X (two operating systems from two giants).
Windows is horrible. They should just stick to computers and laptops and not phones. Android and iOS will always be the frontrunners
I don't like this at all. We should NOT be heading towards a future of the battle of two giants. I was expecting a future of diversity as far as operating systems are concerned.

There is still Ubuntu Linux's mobile smartphone/tablet operating system which may has some hope at getting some users from Ubuntu Linux fans who are looking for something different.

But, it is sad that Firefox OS, Symbian, Web OS, Palm, Sailfish OS, Blackberry, etc can't get enough users to keep its operating system active.
I don't like this at all. We should NOT be heading towards a future of the battle of two giants. I was expecting a future of diversity as far as operating systems are concerned.
It's never gonna to happen really is it? I mean people tend to stay with two big brands and I jsut can't see anyone beating Apple or Android
I feel the Windows or Microsoft brand reputation as being slow on slower devices like lowend laptops like netbooks and old computers did not help Windows Phone at becoming a good choice as a mobile operating system in the past.

Smartphones in the past were a lot slower with single-core CPUs which were slower than 1GHz, 512MB or less of RAM, and 8GB or less storage space.

The Windows desktop operating system had a reputation of being slow on older, and slower computers where the operating system freezes or crashes when too many programs are open. Windows poor reputation of slow performance on slow devices may have made a lot of people buy an iPhone, Android phone, or Regular Flip phone because they think Windows Phone won't be a fast operating system for a handheld device like a smartphone based on their experience with Windows on their older and slower PC.

People may more likely pick Google Android, and iOS smartphones because it did not have a bad reputation of being overly slow on older devices like computers with the Windows operating system.

Windows XP Tablets were also not very good back in the past because you had to use a Stylus, and there were not many touchscreen apps for it, so the XP tablets probably made Windows Phone reputation even worse.
While reputation may have had something to do with it, it was primarily the lack of apps that made Windows Phone fail. I've read so many comments on IT blogs and forums saying that Windows Phone looks like a sleek and reasonably fast OS, but its Marketplace is a ghost town.
While reputation may have had something to do with it, it was primarily the lack of apps that made Windows Phone fail. I've read so many comments on IT blogs and forums saying that Windows Phone looks like a sleek and reasonably fast OS, but its Marketplace is a ghost town.

The poor reputation of the Microsoft Zune Media Player being not as popular as the iPod may have also hurt Windows Phone chances of being a good alternative to iOS or Android. A lot of people bought an iPhone because they were happy iPod users, and the iPod had a reputation as one of the best MP3 and portable video players for its time.

There also were not many alternative web browsers for Windows Phone, users were basically stuck using Internet Explorer and a few lesser known web browsers in the Windows Phone store. The poor reputation of Internet Explorer being slow on older computers may have made people not want to use IE on Windows Phone. I think the Apple Safari web browser also had a decent reputation in the past.

Android and iOS has many browser choices like Dolphin, Opera Mini, Chrome, Firefox, Boat Browser, Puffin, etc. A lot of users maybe less likely to use Windows Phone because they can't use their favorite web browser like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc on Windows Phone.
I just checked: Opera Mini and Puffin do exist in the Windows app marketplace. As well as a wide variety of other browsers, such as: Maxthon, Swift Browser, Private Browser, and a couple of browsers that allow users to even use proxies.
Opera Mini, Puffin, Maxthon, and other browsers may exist in the Windows App Marketplace. But, they are probably updated less regularly compared to the iOS and Android which get more features on a regular basis.