Blaze & Blade (Review)


Well-Known Member
Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest

Blaze & Blade is a multiplayer RPG made for the PC and Playstation. It was released way back in 1998, and was ported to the PC in 2000. Unlike most RPGs, this has no real story to speak of, but rather, you decide your own path completely. The game received a large amount of negative feedback for this very reason, but putting that aside it's a good little game.

Storyline 2/5
One of the most simplistic storylines available. Our intrepid adventurers happen upon an ancient lithograph during their travels, and wish to know more about it. They bring it to a man, a scholar of some sort, and he verifies that it is in fact, a powerful magical item...That is, if the magical gems were still upon it. Thus begins the adventure, in which our heroes delve into many dungeons, forests, canyons, etc. in order to find these gems.

Graphics 3/5
I'm being lenient on this section, as the game is over ten years old. The graphics are not the best, they are rather pixellated regarding characters and enemies, and the backgrounds can seem rather blocky at times. But magic looks great, especially when you unleash one of the more powerful spells on say, the elf. The bosses later on however, look absolutely brilliant.

Originality 5/5
Enemies are certainly original in this game. Who would have thought of making an enemy whom is a cross of an owl and a bear? The areas you will see are not at the start original, but as you delve further into the game, you will see some memorable locations. For example the island castle, protected by the Ents. With its gates sealed by a magic unknown of this world, it is an ominous place to view, even though it is daylight. As darkness falls, you enter a swamp, where its foul residents wish to drain your life.

Regarding characters, they are for the most part generic--the only original one is the fairy, an airborne model that can cast spells such as poison or silence. The control method is rather original too, as you can play alone with up to four characters at a time, and switch between them at will. The auction system too, makes the game more balanced out, by rendering trading of super equipment to new weak characters impossible, unless they have the Gel (currency) to buy it.

Put simply, it has amazing replay value. With eight character classes to choose from, both male and female on each, and with an unknown level cap (I've seen it stated as 70, but my level 233 warrior states otherwise) there is a huge amount to do.

I love this game. There are flaws, but I love it for that. If you have a PS1 memory card free, and you can find this game, I would advise you buy it.

Overall, I give it a 14 out of 20.
I'm kind of done buying Ps1 games but this sounds like a great game to get. if you can get it in good condition that is lol.
It is, definitely. It's a bit of a strange game, but it's a lot of fun, especially if you can get some friends over to play with you. (It's up to 4 players)