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Do you purchase blu-ray movies? With streaming shows and movies fast coming the norm I wonder if blu-rays days are numbered.
well Blu-Ray is also the main physical media for Ps5 games so it won't die and Sony owns the patent for Blu-Ray.
I own a bunch of them.

I don’t think Blu-ray’s are dying soon. A combination of people who just like owning media, and poorer people will keep it afloat for awhile.

You have to consider with the latter where you’d be surprised at how many people can’t afford a Netflix or whatever subscription, or they may not have internet, or live in a place where the internet is fast enough to stream.

That’s why you’ll see at Walmart with people sifting through that $5 Blu-ray bin. That’s all they can afford or have access to.
My family have an extensive DVD collection before and after we got rid of our Netflix subscription. We also have VCR cassettes but no Blu-Ray usage here and for what we watch it suffices. With entertainment, the content matters more than the nitty-gritty details.
oooo let's see everyone's Blu-Ray collection! Mine will probably look sad compared to yours!
We buy Blu-Rays as they seem to be more compatible with our TV than regular DVDs are. As for them becoming obsolete, probably. Regular DVDs are to some degree. They'll find something else to do after Blu-Rays. Then we'll have to keep buying movies so they would be compatible with the newer TVs.