Bob’s Burgers


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wow, just wow. after all the hype fox built up for this show I have no idea how I watched it all.

seriously, it sucked worse then the worst show on [adult swim] or comedy central. with bad VA's, getting people mad humor, I much rather watch god, the devil, and bob.

anyone else see it? (if you say it's good, opinion or not, there is something wrong with you.)
It was good. Also I liked Bob's voice actor. He voices Archer from Archer, Family Guy character (can't remember the name), and a few other shows. It was funny.
4 episodes into this

Really liking

made the mistake of having my little girl sit in whilst i was watching it... (big mistake heeh)
Bob's burgers is a fantastic show. I love animation domination, I watch American Dad, Bob's Burgers, family guy and cleveland show. I hate the simpsons though, it is not even funny, imo.