Multi Bohemia Used a Live Concert to Announce Arma 4 Coming in 2027


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Bohemia Interactive chose an unusual venue to announce its next big game: a concert.

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Czech studio Bohemia Interactive put together a concert of video game music performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. The concert included songs from its Arma series, as well as DayZ, Ylands, and Vigor.

But the big surprise of the night was a blink and you’ll miss it announcement that Arma 4 is due out in 2027. At the end of the final piece of the night, the game’s logo and release window flashed on the big screen that was propped up behind the orchestra for little more than a second, but it was long enough to catch the attention of the live audience as well as the livestream chat.

Arma is Bohemia’s hugely successful PC military shooter that first launched back in 2006. Arma 3 launched in 2013, with the latest release, the standalone Arma Reforger, launching in 2022 in early access form before a 1.0 launch last year.

Reforger was designed as a “bridge” to Arma 4, which is intended for PC and consoles. Reforger was the first game in the Arma series to launch on console (Xbox Series X and S), and has helped Bohemia learn how best to take the PC-focused series multiplatform in a big way with Arma 4.
No better place to do it I guess, lol.