Bookcase or bookshelves


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How many bookcases or bookshelves do you have in your room/house/living space? Do you have them all filled up?
I don't have any books. lol I foolishly gave them away many years ago. Now everything I read is digital....
None, but I plan on getting some in the near future.
We store ours in cabinets but that being said we don't have that many and no new physical books are being added currently.
Before I moved back in with my mom, I had three bookshelves full of books, all filled up.
Now I only have one due to lack of room. I have many boxes though in storage with books.
I have 2 big book cases and 1 book case that's about half the size of the other two. I'd like to put up more but I'm afraid I don't have the room.
I have three bookcases. The last time I counted, I had 5k books, That was about 8 years ago.
I have three bookcases. The last time I counted, I had 5k books, That was about 8 years ago.
5000 books? Good lord. hehe I have 5000 mp3s! :)
I have three bookcases. The last time I counted, I had 5k books, That was about 8 years ago.

I am not a great reader like you, but I must commend you for putting the efforts in reading and owning those books.
I have a few, maybe two or three altogether. They're filled with movies rather than books. I hope someday have a room with shelves against wall, filled with books and movies, as a study, however.
I have a few, maybe two or three altogether. They're filled with movies rather than books. I hope someday have a room with shelves against wall, filled with books and movies, as a study, however.

You really like watching movies. I used to have a movie shelf back in those days too. A good experience that I liked so much.