C choirguy Well-Known Member 1 2012 0 Credits 500 Aug 14, 2012 #1 Lookin for friends to play with over the internet and what not. Im 22, a chill guy. I need some mario kart 7 competition. Lol. Here's my friend code if interested. 2234-8069-1273
Lookin for friends to play with over the internet and what not. Im 22, a chill guy. I need some mario kart 7 competition. Lol. Here's my friend code if interested. 2234-8069-1273
M Manbearpig Manbearpig 189 2011 50 Credits 400 Aug 16, 2012 #2 I have mariokart 7. I added you. My friend code should be under my avatar.