Bubble Ball, a game developed by a 14-year-old, has replaced Angry Birds as the top free iOS downloa


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Angry Birds Seasons, the holiday-themed edition of the ubiquitous game, has been on the 'top free' spot in the iTunes App Store for a long while, but now it's been replaced by Bubble Ball, a game developed by Robert Nay, a 14-year-old kid from Spanish Fork, Utah, with some help from his mother. Since its launch on December 29, Bubble Ball has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times.

While its graphics may be bare bones, Bubble Ball has apparently managed to impress many people because of its gameplay. The point of the game is to get a ball to roll from one point of the screen to another, but only by using objects, such as a stick or triangle, to manipulate the ball's trajectory.

Instead of using the iOS native programming language Objective-C, Nay opted to use Corona SDK. A specialized environment from Ansca Mobile, it lets developers easily write games for both the iOS and Android platforms, and Nay found it easier to work with. Nay focused on coding, and his mother, Kari, helped out by designing most of the game's levels.

Robert Nay intends to make money at some point in the future, by creating in-app purchases of virtual goods -- he just needs to wait for Ansca Mobile to support such features first. And while Angry Birds still is the top paid app in the App Store, it's not an easy feat to take it off the top free spot, but this 14-year-old has done exactly that.

Bubble Ball is available for free in the iTunes App Store and the Android Market [AppBrain]. The game's trailer is available after the break.


Impressive since Nay is only 14 and can beat Angry Birds Season by making Bubble ball which as been downloaded more then 1.5 million times.