Building your own PC?


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I'm hoping sometime later this year to build myself a nice gaming desktop rig with a nice two monitor setup. Anyone here have recommendations on going about making a custom desktop and monitors for a dual setup?
Well this post helps meh too for getting recommendations on PC build either meh going to build one but not later this year maybe after 2 to 3 years kek..
I may build a Gaming PC in the next few years since a Gaming Desktop Tower PC does look like it will last the longest since PC parts like motherboards, CPUs, RAM, video cards, etc are durable, and replacement parts are affordable to replace in my experience.

Newegg, and Amazon seems like the best online store websites for buying computer parts.
Where the hell does the first video guy live that they have an entire store dedicated to it?!
I have one near me, but granted, I also live close to a major city. Idk how close you live to Des Moines, they probably have one there, or at least a big computer parts store. Though granted I also haven’t been to Des Moines in like 12 years.
I have one near me, but granted, I also live close to a major city. Idk how close you live to Des Moines, they probably have one there, or at least a big computer parts store. Though granted I also haven’t been to Des Moines in like 12 years.

Des Moines Iowa? A few hours away, though I just would like to work in a store like this.