Bullet proof clothing


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If you happen to notice our world of late, it seems to be getting gun happy as far as random shootings are concerned.

Do you think clothing should be made to withstand bullets? And I'll point out that considering how easily people will buy something that looks real, the first person to sell something that works would become a over night billionaire.
I feel like there is a fault in the plan, but it's escaping me right now, but overall, yeah, it would be pretty awesome, but expensive as shit.
Nah I don't think it would sell that much to be honest. Those mainly in gangs or in dodgy areas etc might be interested but the general public i doubt would. It would make general clothing too heavy too.

I think, especially in the UK that stab resistant garments would be more popular and possibly lighter.
Yeah, I'd prefer something that would prevent being stabbed, because where I live, a lot of people have knives, but not many have guns.
Yeah, I'd prefer something that would prevent being stabbed, because where I live, a lot of people have knives, but not many have guns.
I don't know the level of knive possession in my area but it's definitely going to be much higher than guns. Part of me would like to know the statistics around for example one day how many people during that day did I walk past that was carrying a knife, but then part of me would rather not know.
If you go on eBay and search for Bullet Proof Clothing, or visit an Army surplus store you can buy older or unused military gear, finding bullet proof uniforms made for the Army, SWAT team, and law enforcement.

I also think stab resistant clothing will be more popular, or wearing a thin metal vest to protect against most kitchen knives and household weapons would be more popular with people.
It's sad to even think that we are contemplating such a thing but it's the truth.
People should have bullet proof clothing because of all the random violent incidents.
It's sad to even think that we are contemplating such a thing but it's the truth.
People should have bullet proof clothing because of all the random violent incidents.

There are also accidental shootings from people who forgot to take the bullets out of their gun while cleaning their gun, and doing maintenance on their gun. Accidental shootings during animal hunting, and gun shooting target practice can happen where the bullet hits the gun owner or someone who is standing in front of the gun while the gun fires a bullet and misses the target, and hits someone standing in front of the flying bullet.

I think people who work more dangerous jobs like taxi drivers will more likely think about wearing bulletproof clothing because they are more likely to meet a robber with a gun who wants to steal their money, and taxi drive through dangerous locations with more gun violence because their passenger lives in a more violent neighborhood.