Bungie Hard At Work On New Games


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If we owned Bungie Studios, the creators of Halo, we'd be taking it easy about now, paying naked chicks to light our cigars with 15-dollar bills and driving around in solid platinum golf carts. That's why we'll never own a major game studio. The real owners of Bungie are hard at work this very second, making new Halo-centric games and non-Halo games for you to enjoy.

"We have Halo DLC on the way, and a new IP prototype that we are very excited about. Then we have other Halo games that are cranking along also. So the end result so far has been exactly as it should have been – we’re happy, excited, and doing our best work on a path that lets us grow."

"We want to be seen as different from the other developers that publish with Microsoft. As far as we believe it, we make better games and they are better quality in user experience across the board. Ultimately you want to be proud of anything you put the Bungie name on. We want people to know that, as soon as they put the game on and our name rolls up, the game will be awesome."