Businesses on the Brink of bankrupt


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The former king of video rentals is on life support. Blockbuster's shares are trading under 30 cents per share and the firm is saddled with debt. Blockbuster has over $963 million in debt. The company's biggest problem is that its business model no longer works. Blockbuster rose to prominence by renting videos and DVDs to customers from its traditional brick and mortar stores.

However, Netflix has become the new king of movie rentals with its DVD by mail strategy. To make matters worse, Redbox is quickly gaining market share with its $1 DVD rentals from kiosks set up at grocers, fast food chains and convenience stores. Blockbuster is trying to change its business by adopting a DVD rental kiosk model and offering mobile movies via smartphone. But unless Blockbuster can rid itself of its onerous debt burden, these changes may be too little, too late.

Rite Aid

Things haven't been right at Rite Aid (NYSE: RAD) in quite a long time. Rite Aid's biggest problem is that the drug store giant just doesn't make money. Rite Aid has been losing money and is expected to have negative earnings for the foreseeable future. Add in that Rite Aid has only $150 million in cash and more than $6 billion dollars in debt and you can see why the outlook isn't so rosy.

The ill-advised Brooks Eckerd acquisition has buried the company under a mountain of debt. Rite Aid has seen its same store sales decline for nine consecutive months. With Walgreens, CVS and Wal-mart all competing for pharmaceutical sales, it doesn't appear that there is any viable plan that can save Rite Aid.

Borders Group

The printed book market just doesn't seem large enough for Borders anymore. Borders is the second-largest bookstore chain in the U.S. behind Barnes & Noble. Unfortunately for these companies, bookstore chains are going the way of the dinosaur with Amazon digitizing books and becoming the largest online seller of books in the United States. Borders is developing a Kobo e-reader to try and compete, but with e-book readers from Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble, Borders may be living on borrowed time.

How troubled is Borders? The company's stock currently sells for under $2 dollars a share. Borders has to repay a $42.5 million dollar loan due on April 1. If Borders can raise this money, the bookstore chain still faces a $360 million dollar note payment due July 2011.

Perhaps the most damning sign was that the company's CEO left to take a job at a supermarket chain. The company's short-term hopes lie in getting creditors to refinance debts. The best hope for long-term survival is an acquisition by a larger bookstore chain like Barnes & Noble.


Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) was counting on the Pre and Pixi Plus to lead its resurgence back to the top of the smartphone market. Unfortunately for Palm, these two smartphones have failed to deliver. Although the initial response was good, Palm has been unable to sustain its momentum. Palm reported a non-GAAP net loss of $102 million last quarter.

Palm has found it increasingly difficult to compete in the crowded smartphone market with Apple, Research in Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM and Google (Nasdaq: GOOG. Shares have been slaughtered, dropping 77% over the past six months to $3.75 – and this valuation may be overly generous. Some Wall Street analysts have valued the smartphone marker's shares as worthless and are speculating on a Palm bankruptcy.

So, what can Palm do to survive? Palm's best chances at a turnaround may be for a larger industry player like Nokia or Motorola to buy Palm out. Palm is burning through cash at an alarming rate and would need a technology company with deep pockets to keep them afloat.

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Not Borders! It's the only store left in my town that sells decent amounts of manga and anime.
No not Palm, I always thought those palm pilots/ personal organizers where pretty cool. If it was not for Palm, the DS, Iphone, and other touch/Stylus screen devices would not be as popular. Plus, Palm was one of the first company to make pocket sized computers and smart phones. It was also one of the first products which people used that can recognize hand writing and convert it to readable text. I never owned one because I could never afford one when I was in high school, but I wanted one. It is sad that the Amazon kindle, Ipad, Iphone, and products which might not exist if the palm did not make pocket computer so popular do so well while the Palm is not doing well.


Sad to see Block Buster struggling since there are not many video places close to my home, and it means I have to take the bus for half an hour to rent a movie, go to a crappier video rental or purchase place.

Borders sound like an interesting book store.