Buy games on launch day?


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do you go out on launch day for a certain game and buy it?
I also wait for games to drop in price before I buy them since I still have a lot of older games I haven't played yet which are cheaper to buy at stores.
I wait for sales :) There's no reason for me to get the game on the day it comes out. I'll have the same fun playing it later anyway. :)
I wait for sales :) There's no reason for me to get the game on the day it comes out. I'll have the same fun playing it later anyway. :)

Definitely this. I mean if I'm really, really, really excited for the game I'll pick it up on launch but I have such a huge backlog of games to play anyways there's really no point
I wait until the price drops a little. I agree that it would be a waste of money to buy a game on launch day :thumbsup:
It depends on if I had the original or if it is a original then I look at the reviews from Ign, etc. and base my decision upon that. thanks
The only game I usually get during release date is CoD. ( By release date I mean during that day not lining up at 12 and getting it)