Buying Games at Retail Greener than Downloading


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A new study suggests buying your game at retail is better for the environment than downloading it.

A study titled "The Carbon Footprint of Games Distribution," published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology, concluded that the average carbon footprint required to drive to a local store and buy a typically sized PlayStation 3 game is less severe than downloading the same game. It used a 8.8 GB game, but found that the trend continues quite a bit under that mark. Only if a game is 1.3 GB or under is a download the greener method.
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I wonder if this is really true.
I think this isn't true since a lot of PC users who download games will usually use their computers to browse the web, play other games, and do homework while their computer is downloading and installing a game, so their PC will be using almost the same amount of electricity even if they are not downloading a game.

I think newer game consoles also let you play other games, and watch DVD/Blu-Ray movies while your games are downloading and installing.

The servers which host the downloadable games also host websites, documents, movies, apps, and music, so they probably use the same amount of electricity even if you are not downloading games from it because they still need to be ON to host websites and files.

Downloading stuff off the internet does not use much power. A typical PC uses 60 Watts or less when it is not doing much like downloading files or typing text, and a router+cable modem uses 10-30W.

If your using faster internet like Google Fibre, you would use even less electricity because your computer won't need to be ON for many hours to download a game, and you can shutdown your PC after your game has downloaded in seconds, and installed itself.

Some cities and states are also using more wind, solar, water dams, and other sources of renewable energy to generate electricity which does not harm the environment as much. A lot of people and companies are also generating their own electricity from solar panels or wind powered generators to store in batteries, or buying electricity from power plants which use solar, and wind to harm the environment less.
There is also gas used from factory workers who drive to work everyday to make game disc, game boxes, and print game manuals. The factory also most likely use a lot of electricity and gas to run all the machines to make the disc, boxes, and manuals, and also to heat and cool the factory, so the factory workers are not too hot in the summer, or cold in the winter.
I am old school and need the game in my hands. You should see the amount of games cases I have hidden throughout the house.