Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Double XP Weekend


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This weekend (August 8th 2014 - August 11th 2014) see's double XP come to Black Ops 2 with Nuketown 24/7 playlist making it's comeback.

I myself have not played Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 in a long time but seeing double XP this weekend has made me eager to want to jump back on for some gaming :)

Will anyone else be taking advantage of the double XP this weekend?
Maybe. It depends how much free time I manage to find. I always loved BO2 and I am just a prestige away from max so I am tempted to play it as much as I can.
Martin said:
Maybe. It depends how much free time I manage to find. I always loved BO2 and I am just a prestige away from max so I am tempted to play it as much as I can.
Did you manage to get any gaming time in during the double XP Martin? 

I attempted to, however due to commitments away from gaming I had to give this one a miss which I was disappointed about as Black Ops 2 was always one of my favourites as well as Black Ops and I know I am quite high in prestige as well so it would have been nice to try and level up and even maybe prestige again if I had the chance.