Multi Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer


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As expected, the legacy edition of the game comes with a remaster of Modern Warfare 2, with some noticeable improvements to the graphics - this is handled by Raven Software, who have helped on COD games since Black Ops 1. Hopefully it launches separately eventually, as Infinite Warfare isn't interesting me thus far, looks a lot like Advanced Warfare.

I'm shocked they are doing a story mode for it.
Anyway, space :/
Yeah really doubt I'll bother this year, rather go for the Titanfall or Battlefield game this year around. I'd totally buy Modern Warfare remastered though... but apparently they aren't selling it separately - expect that to change after launch though.
Yeah really doubt I'll bother this year, rather go for the Titanfall or Battlefield game this year around. I'd totally buy Modern Warfare remastered though... but apparently they aren't selling it separately - expect that to change after launch though.
What's the remastered thing about? I've been hearing about it but idk what it is (is it a standalone remastered game included?).