Can a Netbook, Ultrabook, or Tablet replace a laptop for most basic tasks?


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Yes, I think it is possible for mini-laptops like Netbook or Ultrabook to replace a laptop for basic everyday tasks like e-mail, video watching, word processing, school work, and more since they both have a keyboard and mouse pad except their missing a CD DVD drive like a full laptop, but with a USB CD DVD rom drive you can also use it to install software, and watch DVD movie disc.

Ultrabook vs Netbook video

If a tablet has a keyboard, it can be used for typing tasks like e-mail, word processing, and more, so it can kind of act like a laptop. Most tablets made in 2011-2012 also can play HD video, games, apps, etc which you typically use on a laptop.
basic tasks? Yes, but I don't see many people in the future in need of a PC that can only do basic tasks.
Why, many average people these days mainly use a PC for basic tasks like homework, typing, web browsing, e-mail, MS Paint, video editing, flash gaming, playing older games, office work, video, music, and everyday tasks?

I think robots and machines in the future will take care of most of the advance tasks, so people have more time doing basic tasks like typing, e-mail, playing flash games, 3D games on websites, music and videos.

Google version of the current and future computer is a simple small laptop which let you do almost everything on the web with a cheap easy to use netbook which people don't have to spend too much time and money to learn, so they can carry on doing their basic task which they need or want to do everyday.
well mini-laptops (Netbook and the like), in my view, yes, because its basically and technically a laptop, only tinier. I mean, has the same functions as the bigger laptop yes or no? But not the tablets.
I like smaller laptops, tablets, and netbooks as well since I can take and use them anywhere comfortably where a table, or chair is not available. I just increase the text size of the text in my web browser, word processor, and other programs by adjusting the zoom in settings for text and images.

More expensive Netbooks, Ultrabooks, and Tablets these days have enough power for my needs, and they can run the apps I need to run them at a good speed.
I like smaller laptops, tablets, and netbooks as well since I can take and use them anywhere comfortably where a table, or chair is not available. I just increase the text size of the text in my web browser, word processor, and other programs by adjusting the zoom in settings for text and images.

More expensive Netbooks, Ultrabooks, and Tablets these days have enough power for my needs, and they can run the apps I need to run them at a good speed.
what about macbooks, do they count as netbooks?
Indeed, but the Macbook Air is $999 which is the cheapest Apple laptop you can get compared to the MacBook Pro at 1199 dollars for the 13 inch version.
I think as mobile CPU and onboard video gets faster Netbooks, Tablets, and Ultrabook can possibly play games in medium or medium high settings since the iPad 3, and Asus EEE Transformer Prime now have Quad-Core CPU, and multi-core video which is like as fast as some midend PCs, and Netbooks and Tablet might start doing higher end tasks like video editing, gaming, and photo editing, but a little slower then highend workstations and gaming PCs.

I heard a lot of users don't use all their computers power to the fullest since most people just use their PC for office work, editing YouTube videos, MS Paint, and games like "The Sims".