Can someone make me a cool Sonic signature?

You might want to give some more details, like colours, fonts and image links. Anyways, I see if I can mash some stuff together tomorrow.
How bout this famous sonic catchphrase?

Sure ill help u with this roboticizer brother

How bout that one
Hey supahsonicfan I sent u mail. Just go to the top where the mail/letter icon is and open it. If the mail icon ever displays red next to it u got mail
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Well like i said, i'm learning still. This is just an alpha attached, not the finished piece. Tell me what you want in this...I'm just testing tools at the moment. I know this isn't classic sonic, I was just playing around with the whole Sonic pointing at the username thing.
ok, i can add classic just seems like such a simple design, are you sure?

EDIT: I attached the sig with the modifications. Hope it works nicely for ya. It's simple, but meh.
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For inserting an image into your sig, here's what you do. Get the URL of the image. For a random Shy Guy picture, it's:


Now just put IMG tags around this URL, like so:


The result is this:


So for your Sonic picture, you should download it, upload it to your gallery, grab the image URL and put that in between IMG tags in your signature! If you have any more questions, just ask.