Other Can we talk about how... bullshit The Game Awards Show was?


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I usually am not one to care about this stuff, but what the actual hell was that? Who did Naughty Dog and Sony feed caviar and 70 year-old Japanese Whisky to so that TLOU2, a game half the people hated because of what they did to the characters of the last game and its former main character (no spoilers please) and gameplay wise, just looked like any other Third Person Shooter. It looked like an Uncharted lite to me, with less than interesting characters to boot.

Also best game direction!? Seriously!? After one of the developers literally broke the glass and stated how we was worked over time and underpaid along with a few other anon workers!? Come on, man. Shame on The Game Awards for even giving it that.

Also best sound design? Are you kidding me? What the hell is with these critics?

Also yes, it is critics. If this were the ACTUAL Player's Choice Awards, Ghost of Tsushima would have won, and a LOT of categories would be looking WAY different than what was shown. It even says on their website. Who the hell are these critics and why do they like their steak well done?

For real, this is one of the biggest yearly events in gaming (sadly), and for it to be so... aristocratic in a medium that believes in merit as success... it baffles me. As a lover of video games, as a consumer, and as an indie dev... this is straight bullshit to me.

Sources for what I'm saying here:

This is why I don't vote for things :P I went in for the new reveals and walked away with Sephiroth as new smash character and a perfect dark game. I am pleased with that.
This is why I don't vote for things :p I went in for the new reveals and walked away with Sephiroth as new smash character and a perfect dark game. I am pleased with that.
So you did not vote Tifa, Tifa is not happy lol. @Demon_Skeith


I am happy Tifa won best RPG and best Score and Music and The Ghost won players Choice award and best art direction.
I never care about TLOU2.
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Tfw not even Tifa's "PLOT" can win.
lol. Even the critics cannot resist her PLOT.

It is very true that the so called professional critics can be crazy with their decisions, sort of like boring movies winning many academy awards stuff. Though I did vote for Tifa and The Ghost, I just viewed the show for new game announcement stuff and if the games I like winning an award then it's just a bonus for me.