Can you still pull all-nighters when gaming?


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I remember when I was younger, I used to be able to stay up and play video games until the sun came up, now I am lucky if I can make it past 1 - 2 am and sometimes if I am lucky it may be 3 am but that is very rare.

Can you still pull all-nighters when it comes to gaming? When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter to play a video game?
A whole lot of responsibilities nowadays means that I can't play any day all night. It will affect the way that I approach the next day.
I can't pull any all nights, just too much.
Agreed. It affects me too much for the next day.
Except for when I got addicted to an online card game, that was the last time I played an all-nighter. I don't play that card game anymore. That was a couple of years ago.
I can't pull an all night gaming session these days because it will cause me to be very tired the next day.
I can't pull an all night gaming session these days because it will cause me to be very tired the next day.

This is true especially when you have to go to work the next day. You will end up not being that productive the next day.
Naaah, it's not that I can't do it but I won't do it because I have more better things to do and one of them is sleep.
A whole lot of responsibilities nowadays means that I can't play any day all night. It will affect the way that I approach the next day.
I know it's not easy, but I think it's possible to find a balance between gaming and your responsibilities. Just be mindful of your time and don't let gaming interfere with your sleep.
Oh no. I have to have my sleep.

I probably could when I was a kid and I'd be fine. But if I don't get enough sleep now then I'll end up looking like Oscar the grouch the next day at work and that'll probably end up with me getting fired.
I've tried many times that I've had multiple days off in a row and I just can't. I can make it to around 3 or 4 before my body says "okay time for sleep." I'm sure if I had another person to play a game with, I'd be able to still do it, but by myself, nah.
Ive thought about it on a stretch where I'd have multiple days off, but never actually acted on it. I get too tired now and cancels all of my plans.
No, I'm not a kid without responsibilities looking me in the face every morning I wake up. I need to sleep and be well rested for the work tomorrow.