Canada MAiD


Staff member
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
So there's a big stir about how Canada is offering death as a Healthcare option. Which is expanding to include mental health. Basically if they find you suffering enough they will give you the option to be ethuized. And as you can imagine, it's not really celebrated.

The fact that in 2021 3.3% of all Canadains died this way should likely be a major concern and I can see this going very badly.

Here's some more general info on the sudject:
Wish I could have ethuized my mom instead of watching the hell she went through with cancer.

Anyway, if people wish to pass away, let them.
Wish I could have ethuized my mom instead of watching the hell she went through with cancer.

Anyway, if people wish to pass away, let them.

Sometimes, it is not easy to let go. I remember how painful it was when I lost my maternal grandmother.
Sometimes, it is not easy to let go. I remember how painful it was when I lost my maternal grandmother.

No it isn't, I was prepared and still broke down rather hard for a month. Still, the last week of her life is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life, could have been spared that if she could have went out on her terms.
No it isn't, I was prepared and still broke down rather hard for a month. Still, the last week of her life is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life, could have been spared that if she could have went out on her terms.

I remember refusing to be at the hospital when my grandma kicked the bucket. Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened, if I was there.