Canada on fire and smoke drifting to the USA


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Got another wave of the forest fires coming from Canada that really hit my area hard. Despite my area starting to look like scenes from Stephen King's the Mist, I love how so many people are outside with their kids like nothing is going on.
At least it's not silent hill's mist lol
Hopefully, there would be more rain in the future which help put out the forest fires.
I'm feeling the news about it. At least on a road trip I was on this week. If I didn't notice before, I saw it full force in the middle of nowhere across the lake.
I'm in southern Michigan & we had it around this time as well for a few days. While the air wasn't overly thick like further north, they did advise us to stay indoors & to limit activities.
It's kind of weird how the entire world is having extreme heatwaves and the UK has had heavy rain every single day this week.
Mehn, I hate fire. Even though my nickname is Heatman, that shit can be very devastating to deal with.
It's kind of weird how the entire world is having extreme heatwaves and the UK has had heavy rain every single day this week.

My guy in UK has began complaining of the rain. The sun here has been melting and making me uncomfortable where I am.