Other Capcom to revive dormant IPs


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In its 2019 financial report, Capcom tells investors that the company “will revive dormant intellectual properties for which we have not recently released new titles by increasing the number of our developers.” Capcom’s “priority” is still on making the most of its current crop of core series, but the company is “also actively looking to utilize dormant IP.”

Capcom isn’t ready to announce any of these revivals, of course, and that sort of news wouldn’t come in a financial report but what dusty IPs would you like to see make a comeback?
New onimusha would be nice.
I'm trying to think of dead Capcom games that I would know, but I only really know Mega Man, which just came back from the dead, and Ace Attorney, which just had a game come out in 2016. I think they also said another game is going to come out, but I'm not sure. Also Street Fighter, but it's also not dead.
And yes Breath Of Fire, time for for Ryu to be back in action! and not another mobile like BOF 6 darn it, that was a wasted potential.