Card Games on Video Game


Who has played a poker machine online? I have done that. Who has played something like Blackjack, Uno - simply anything? What level did you play at? Do you feel any differences between this way and playing with a real set of cards?

Has anyone played online? How did that go? Any success or near-success worth mentioning?
Does Yu-gi-oh count? :p
It's all about who makes them. You can't really see when playing the odds. For example, I've seen documented reviews of card games on the Game Boy cheating the player when playing and the slots in Pokemon Red/Blue are also rigged to some extent. Looking at the code would tell you how accurate they are. Seeing the cards and knowing what's in your deck is always a common principle but knowing who gets the most out of it typically is important too. The game could just straight up put the good cards in first and you could have no say in the matter.