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State police in Oklahoma have begun using a device that can seize money on prepaid cards. Electronic Recovery and Access to Data (ERAD) card readers can also document and check the balance on credit, debit, or prepaid cards, and freeze funds.

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This card reader will make the police's job faster when it comes to seizing money from criminals like scammers, drug dealers, and robbers since they no longer need to use the phone to contact the bank to help them seize the money of suspected criminals. Other criminals will be less likely to be able to withdraw the money from an ATM, the bank, or spend it before the cops seize their money.

Quickly seizing's criminal's money can be a good thing since Criminals don't deserve to have money which they earned illegally by hurting people, and selling stolen goods, drugs, and weapons.

Plus, the money seized could help pay for the high cost of court cases which can are very expensive because the judge, lawyers, court security guards, and legal staff are very expensive to hire.
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Just sounds like something that could be badly misused.
Just sounds like something that could be badly misused.

Indeed, it can be badly misused if the suspect had an unfair trial. But, the seized money will just be kept by the police, and not taken away forever unless the suspect is proven guilty where the criminals has to pay for their crime through jail time, and use money to pay for the harm they cause to others.

If the suspected criminal is proven innocent in court, the innocent person will eventually get their seized money back from the police.

I think seizing criminals money quickly will prevent the criminal from telling their criminal friends and family to spend the money in their bank account to commit other crimes like buying illegal guns where there are no background check on the gun buyer.
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Personally, even though bad people may use money to do bad things that does not mean police should be just allowed to seize it immediately. There have been too many cases of people travelling and police in the US seizing cash. It was bad enough that the CBC wrote a piece about it. So why give them even more power to take assets that aren't being use for illegal purposes and are a major battle to recover. I think that if they want to seize it they need to have a court order. Otherwise it's too tempting for them to abuse their power. (Which you can see from that article they already have no issue doing.)
Interesting... I wonder how long before someone hacks the system to abuse this somehow...

I think the card reader is connected to the police department's bank account, and fewer criminals will be brave enough to hack the police's card reader or Police's bank account to transfer money to a personal bank accounts. Criminals are more likely to get caught by the police when they hack the police's equipment because the police has tech-savvy officers which can track suspected criminals. The police can ask national law enforcement agencies like the CIA, FBI, and NSA for help in tracking down criminals who abuse the system.