Carnegestar Screenshots


Well-Known Member
So far i've only got screenshots of the menus, because I've got a fatal error that happens everytime the enemies fire a weapon.
All the buttons will be down the bottom, New game, load game, settings, Exit, credits.

This will work with tabs up the top and you clcik on them to move to a different type of setting. All the content will be in the middle.

Just select a host.

The same a multiplayer, but with saved games instead.

This is when the game is loading.

If you want, i can list the weapons later. Anybody who wants to do a better menu picture can go ahead, you'll get you're name on the credits.
Its a scifi, kinda like the lines of star wars, you know, rebels verses royalists, but then it gets different as you'll probabally see when its made.

These are the weapons, of the top of my head:

Laser sword, can kill an enemie in one hit and another player in multiplayer in two.
Pulse rifle, shoots like and AK47 or similar would, but out come lots of weak pulse bullets, you could liken it to the plasma rifle in halo.
Pulse pistol, shoots slower than the rifle but the shots are faster and do more damage. Lots of royalists have this to snipe you with.
Pulse sniper, its just basically a sniper.
Pulse cannon, big nasty cannon, does LOTS of damage.
Spike shot, like a shotgun but with spikes, does lots of damage if you are close.
Railgun, weak but fast fireing, instant (Like regular guns) and long range, (Wanted it to be different from all the mega-power railguns we see.) Its the best weapon.

Plasma rifle, shoots lumps of plasma at the enemy.
Plasma cannon, shoots bigger lumps.
Assault Rifle.
Grenade launcher, shoots grenades further than you can throw and has smoke grenades too.

And you can always throw grenades, they dont count as a "weapon" like the others, theyre down the side to be thrown at any time.

The ai types:
I've made these enemies:
Ones that duck, stand up, shoot lots at you, duck again, wait, stand up ectectect.
Ones that strafe from side to side.
Ones that become active when you get too close and follow you and chase you.
Allys that follow you around shooting at enemies.
Doesn't sound too bad of a game. Nice screenshots!