Other Chaos at Gamestop over the weekend


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Gamestop certainly hasn't been doing well of late, looking at their subreddit alone shows employees are upset over cut hours, having to deliver games to be shipped out to the post office and among other things. Over the weekend though, Gamestop shows they have zero care for their employees and has empowered the spread of Covid-19.

A new allocation of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S bundles brought crowds of hopeful customers to physical GameStop locations over the weekend, according to a report by Bloomberg and corroboration by a Kotaku source. Staffing shortages and the threat of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic in the United States made employees feel both overwhelmed and unsafe.

GameStop workers were first made aware of the allocation on Saturday morning, with just 15 minutes between the internal announcement and the time customers were notified via email. As the next-gen consoles have been nearly impossible to find, stores were almost immediately overwhelmed with phone calls and visitors hoping to get their hands on the limited stock.

One employee, who asked to remain anonymous, told Kotaku the entire situation was “bull crap.”

“I have no idea what our corporate office was doing trying to get people to flock to the store in the thick of the pandemic and rising covid numbers,” said the employee.

Speaking to Kotaku, a GameStop rep said the weekend’s events were the company’s way of discouraging scalping.

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I want them to shut dowm but that wouldn't be fair on some employees. A lot of these game stores are awful
Hopefully, Gamestop can improving social distancing, so workers and game buyers are less likely to get the Coronavirus.

Hiring more security gaurds can help prevent too many people from rushing into Gamestop to buy games and consoles.