Character Battles; Which Character would win?


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Well, you all know the drill here. Pick two characters, then everyone else has to say which one of the two would win and why.

So let's start:

Mario vs Link, which one would win?
Mario, since even if both characters start without any power-ups or weapons, he could still just jump on Link's head and kill him.

Let's see... Samus vs. Master Chief. Assume Samus is in her suit.
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well, Kirby would win that one. Power steal.

next: Luigi Vs. Midna
Tie they both suck eggs!

Pikachu vs. Star Fox.
Star Fox, just imagine it a WHOLE team with huge ships versus a little electric mouse. Blasted to oblivion.

Simon Belmont vs Trevor Belmont
Lubba, through his powers of sheer awesomeness. Though I'd doubt they'd fight, seeing as Rosalina is allied with the Lumas.

Marth (from FE) or Ghirahim?
Goomba, Magikarp can't attack until level 15 or so. So any Goomba could rip a low level one to pieces.

And a high level one? Can't get out the water.

Bowser vs King K Rool vs the Shake King

Which of the Mario sub series Big Bads would win? They're all basically each other's equivalents.
Tails, because he can pick Luigi up and throw him in the bullet bill cannon.

Arceus vs. Ditto.
Arceus. Even though Ditto can copy itself into Arceus, I still think the real one will win.

Gray Fox or Raiden?
Grey Fox... Raiden has less field experience and Grey Fox has more than even Snake (and even bested Snake in combat on more than one occasion if you follow every game). Besides; the guy loves pain!

Dante (the original) or Bayonetta?